Children's Ministries
At Granite Creek, kids are a priority. One of our values is to see kids grow up to become everything God created them to be as they develop a personal faith and relationship with Christ in a safe and loving environment.
Our Nursery and Preschool Classes serve Infants through 5 years old and is located on the first floor for both Sunday Morning Services.
9:30 am Sunday Service - Children's Ministry K-5th meets upstairs in High School Room, end of hall during construction.
The 4th & 5th Grades meet upstairs after worship in the same place, through the Children's Ministry room.
Mission Statement:
Partnering with parents in providing experiences that will meet their child's mental, emotional and spiritual needs so that their children will become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Our nursery serves infants through non-potty trained 2 year olds and is located on the first floor.
The nursery policies are stringent in regard to cleanliness, safety and care and are strictly adhered to and monitored. When a baby is checked in, the parent will be given a specially coded tag that corresponds with their child's tag. A name tag will have the child's name and parent info and is attached to the child, and one tag stays with the parent. The child will only be given to the person with the corresponding coded tag.
If your child has allergies or special needs, please let us know so that we can meet your baby's needs. Please put names on the diaper bag and any bottle or cup.
The Preschool Dept. serves potty-trained 2 year olds through Pre-Kindergarten and is located on the first floor. We ask that the children not bring toys, bottles or cups from home. If your child has a security blanket or animal, be sure to label it with your child's name. Children must be checked in and out by a parent. Please fill out a family info sheet on your first visit.
Our Elementary Dept. serves children from Kindergarten through 5th grade and is located on the second floor. During construction the Children's Ministry will be meeting end of hall in the High School Room.
CHECK IN: Children must still be checked in by a parent, and picked up by a parent with the right name tag code after service.
4th & 5th Grade Class during 11:00 am Service
4th & 5th Graders meet upstairs (through the Children's Chapel) after the adult worship in the Sanctuary at the 11:00 am Sunday Service.
Middle School and High School activities info can be found at their web page,
or @kairosgcy (instagram) or
To accommodate a special needs student, please inquire with the Children's Director
Sara Frias before Sunday. Sara can be reached at the Church Office, (909) 625-4455 or by email to